In my previous post I've mentioned about life talks  and so I came up with the idea of a "Food For Thought " segment on our bl...

In my previous post I've mentioned about life talks and so I came up with the idea of a "Food For Thought" segment on our blog. Basically these are posts which are related to reflections upon every day life, as well as advice, opinions, life experiences, etc. This is the part where we basically get personal. Life isn't always glam and one satisfying feeling for most of us is to know that we're not alone whether it's with life struggles, trying to finish a paper, bombing an exam, the love bug (which i try to be an expert on with no experience)—Those kind of things. Moving onto today's topic, I'll be writing about "20 things I've learned in 20 years" aka 20/20 (i have the tendency to make names up for anything and anyone).

here have some cake xo 

  1. Sleep is precious, so never take it for granted. My mother gave my sisters and I a bed time of 9PM and I would always complain about how I wanted to stay up late cause it was cool back then. Now, I regret it sooooo much (#teamnosleep).
  2. With that being said, you'll be taking a shit ton of naps anywhere, anytime...My best advice? Don't fight it, do what you got to do...Or get your caffeine fix, whichever works.
  3. Food will be the strongest and only relationship that would last forever and ever...(Caffeine would be next to the list.)
  4. FREE—anything that is free, don't take that for granted either! Life keeps getting expensive as the years go on! (i.e university life whether you're on campus or not).
  5. Number 5 links with number 4! Why? Well, don't take textbooks for granted during grade and high school. Honestly, make use of it! SOME WAY, SOMEHOW, FIND A WAY! (Idgaf if you hate the subject...cherish the free textbooks! Draw on it, doodle! Just make use of it!)
  6. Cherish that punk rock/pop/emo phase. Why? Because I'm pretty sure almost everyone goes through it (there's also those people who were totally into being a gangster, cherish that too). I mean really, it's all meant for the music. We've all enjoyed it, the lyrics, and the artist or band themselves. These people saved your life at one point, so attend their concerts or idolize them—there's nothing wrong with that. GOLDEN RULE: seriously guys, if you don't like a specific artist or band and someone you know likes them...don't judge them or insult them. Cause half of the time, music is personal and so anything that deals with it in general made an impact on the individual. 
  7. PUBERTY WILL MAKE YOU OR BREAK YOU! Awko taco right? But seriously, just let yourself go because you will face those intense breakouts, hormonal changes for a few years—so don't freak out. Your body is adjusting and changing, so it's okay to blame it on the period (for boys i really have no clue on what you should blame it on, but blame it on the puberty anyways!) In the end, it will be worth it...Sort of, not really, but it wouldn't be as worse as before! TRUST ME ON THIS ONE (cause back then I called myself mufasa and if you saw the pictures, you would know why) 
  8. It's okay to be insecure You will always second guess or doubt yourself, as well as watch every action you do. It's all part of life, especially those days where you feel like absolute shit and that's okay! Tomorrow is another day and so forth. Put a little effort in how you look or change the way you act; whether it's your mind set or a negative attitude—and that's okay! Take baby steps and don't dwell on these insecurities forever. You're you and you're a beautiful human being.
  9. If you want time for yourself, then don't be afraid to decline any invites you get. Put yourself first and make sure others understand that without getting any hard feelings.
  10. In reference with number 9, it's okay to say "No." Don't let others twist your words, wants, and needs into something else. If you don't want to do something or feel one hundred percent uncomfortable—then don't do it.
  11. When you were young, you had high expectations of yourself when you turn 20s—whether it's moving out, having the perfect boyfriend or enjoying your dream job. Reality strikes you at this age and you realized how naive you were because it's not true (ouch! but if it is true for you then you're a lucky SOB). Your future awaits you and goes at its own pace—don't place a number on where and when your life plays out.
  12. Elementary school: don't waste your energy on it, have fun and take advantage of your youth—you'll regret it later if you don't. High school: loathsome years, where you think everything matters, but not really. You say you can't wait to get out of it, after all it is hell..But think of it as the first layer of hell. Though there's a bright side to high school and it's the people who you spend it with, they kept you sane throughout those four years of constant bull. However, the real hell is Post Secondary Education (whether it's university or college), especially if you have no idea where you're going in life or if you begin to think that this place isn't for you. You face your demons at this point, whether it's stress, self-doubt, or depression—it hits you real hard. Now, I get it education is important, but in this life it becomes a struggle. You face anxiety at its highest peak as you try to stay calm, yet only to be crashed down. You lose hours and hours of sleep, not to mention a shit ton of money goes towards your tuition and needs, and it's half of your life to be honest facing all of that. However, like I said before you're not alone and which ever path you take—it will be worth it at the end (at least try to tell yourself that, cause that's what I'm doing). 
  13. Baby-sitting doesn't count as a first job—not until you enter retail/cash job. Humanity is evil and you will see how consumerism and consumption does that.
  14. But as much as you hate your job (sometimes!!)—your discount, co-workers, and pay check gets you through the rough times (oh and you also build skill such as interpersonal, communication and team work!).
  15. Maximum of 3-4 people (if you're lucky more than that) to label them as "best friends". You will lose a lot of people in your life, so be prepared for that. Like I said before, you're lucky if you're still friends with the same people as of years ago. But as time goes by people literally change when you least expected and so be prepared to let go of all the time and memories you've spent with them.
  16. Anxiety and depression will hit you earlier than you think and it'll hit harder as the days, more so years goes by. Be prepared to face your inner demons, you'll lose the battle if you give in.
  17. If these demons consumes you, don't be alone...Talk to someone, read, write, listen to music—because if you hold it all in, they will break you one day and with a friend to rely on or a song to get you through, you'll have a chance at kicking their asses. 
  18. Surround yourself with people who accept, treat you well and love you for who you are (as cliche as it sounds). Don't waste your time on dead weights who don't make an effort and use you for the dumbest reasons. 
  19. Once a procrastinator, always a procrastinator.
  20. OTPs will ruin your life (but you'll love them no matter what cause they're your precious babies)!
Walking on this earth for two decades made me realize that you're not the same person you are every other year. You'll have certain traits that'll stick with you, but you're always growing as a person. You change for better or for worse, but that's what it means to be human. You may hate it, you may love it, but you have many years ahead of you to improve and grasp who you are. So I'll leave you with a latin saying close to my heart and thanks for reading! xo 

~nosce te ipsum~

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