about me
buffer fest
corey vidal
grace helbig
hannah hart
mamrie hart
ALOHA! This is Gelaine here! As you may or may not know, I had the pleasure of attending the first annual Buffer Fest in my city, Toronto! Buffer Festival is somewhat a mix of "TIFF Festival" and Vidcon, in which youtubers get to show some of their videos on the big screen as well as participate on meet ups where they can meet their fellow Canadian fans! I purchased my ticket a month ago when I learned that PrankVSPrank will have their own panel! Basically, your ticket ($15) comes with a lanyard, and that lanyard can give you access to ALL MEETUPS. I have been looking forward to this weekend for a long time, I just finished all my assignments that week - therefore it was the most stress-free weekend I've had in awhile. Let me give you a summary of how my experience at Buffer Fest went!
Once I got my lanyard at the TIFF Lightbox, I hurriedly rushed to the ScotiaBank theatre in order to make it on time for PVP's panel. Downtown Toronto was so alive that morning, it was a great feeling seeing a bunch of people with buffer fest lanyards around their necks, walking hastily and excitingly with their friends - happily discussing youtube related stuff - of course. Even the volunteers greeted me with so much energy, and I couldn't help but feel ecstatic as well. As I was walking towards the Scotiabank theatre, I could see a familiar face walking opposite of me. I could not really figure out who it was at that time, but all I know is that I've seen his face somewhere before. Only after that person walked passed me did I realize who it was ...... IT WAS CHARLIEISSOCOOLLIKE. Yes, I am still ashamed of myself for not noticing it right away T_T, I missed out on a great opportunity (to kidnap him - wait whut lol ... kidding..)
Anyways, I eventually made it inside the movie theatre, ready to see PrankVSPrank (mind you, it was a SOLD OUT show). The show was hosted by SoundlyAwake instead of CTFxC (Poor Charles). He did a good job, but I still wish CTFxC were there instead. The "movie" was basically a compilation of their favourite vidoes on Youtube and at times, Jesse and Jeana would do commentaries. I was slightly starstruck, and couldn't grasp the fact that we were in the same vicinity as PVP (fangirling~~). After, a short Q&A session took place. Some people asked some odd questions like "Why did you get divorce Jesse" or "When are you guys getting married" - none of them were answered with much detail - we must give them privacy, obviously. If you check out this vlog, I WAS IN IT! (you will not see me clearly, but I was there!). Jesse was also nice enough to send CTFxC a video of the theatre crowd shouting "We love you CHARLES TRIPPY". We were also the first people to see the Cookie Dance music video! I felt very special, and it was a super funny video as well, all that hard work paid off Jesse! I was still starstruck as I left the theatre - I could NOT wait to see them during the MEET UP.
The Meet up took almost 2-3 hours. There were so many people waiting in line!! What was hilarious is the fact that a Baby convention was going on at the same place. Pregnant moms and Teenagers in Metro Convention Centre? Odd mix >.< As we got closer and closer to Jesse and Jeana, I got more and more anxious - my friends and I even planned out how we would greet them and in which order we should go. (We were thinking of pranking them - but that failed). I regret not giving them something, I wish I had some artistic talent - so that they could feature me and my artwork in their vlog - but that wasn't going to be successful, no matter how hard I'd try. Finally, it was our turn. I got my polaroid set ready and when the girl took the photo I realized that I recently replaced the film - therefore I still haven't used it yet. What I didn't know was that the first ever shoot you take with a new film case does not develop an actual polaroid - so the plastic cover of the film case came out instead.... the polaroid didn't actually develop, and the photo did not take.... STUPID ME! I got so flustered, and hurriedly asked the girl to take a picture from my phone (I felt so bad - because I may have annoyed them). Of course, the time you actually plan out what to do is the time everything you plan fails. Nevertheless, I was so happy to have met them! They were so genuine and patient! (3 hour meet up is intense). I wish I had gotten a hug from Jesse though :'(. In addition to that, I saw Nerdy and Quirky outside of the meet up room. If you don't know, Nerdy and Quirky is a youtuber from Toronto, and she was chosen to cover John Green and make vlogs for him during his paternal leave - she is an awesome Nerd Fighter. I excitedly asked her for a picture and made her keep our polaroid picture together. I was so shocked when she featured me and the polaroid picture in her video! (she's so awesome and I was so THRILLED!!!!). After Buffer Fest, I went to chipotle with Phillip and had some desserts at Bannock (Warm Smore's Pie and Chai Tea Latte for me and Devil's Chocolate Icecream with a side of fries for him). Needless to say, first day of buffer fest ended on a good note.
My friend Trishia and I decided to attend the second day of buffer fest - because when is one day ever enough? We decided go to Hannah Hart's meet up. Hannah Hart is the cutest thing! I had no idea she was so short, I should've known from her videos with Mamrie and Grace. She is so adorable and so nice. You could tell that she gives a good amount of love and attention to her fans (Plus, she's a great hugger). I can totally understand why so many girls have a crush on her - it is hard to resist her smile and her PUNS! My friend and I both wore ugly sweaters that day (accidentally matching) and Hannah Hart complimented us both on our sweaters! <333 After the meetup, my friend and I decided to go to Buffer Fest's free red carpet event. Thankfully, we got a pretty good spot along the red carpet. Once we realized that more and more fans started lining up, my friend and I rushed to the red carpet and played the waiting game. It was raining for a few minutes while we waited for the youtubers. Thankfully the rain slowed down when the event officially started. It was surreal- youtubers would casually walk passed us, and chat with us as we take pictures of them and as they take videos of us. This is why I loved Buffer Fest so much, it offered a personal approach and it was literally like seeing your Internet friends live. Unlike TIFF, where celebrities wouldn't really try and converse with you- these youtubers were so approachable and inviting. It didn't feel like I was annoying them, these youtubers can finally see the faces behind their camera lens and we can finally interact with those who we just normally see on our computer screen. I remember complementing Davey Wavey on his shoes, and talking with Corey Vidal about Vlogumentary - and chatting with Sawyer Hartman about the weather and about doing drunk videos with Tyler Oakley ... the usual nbd (lol, kidding I was seriously freaking out at that time). I think I've seen 90% of the youtubers that were featured in this year's Buffer Fest.
The best part of the red carpet for me was seeing The Holy Trinity of Comedy aka Mamrie Hart (youdeserveadrink), Hannah Hart(myharto) and Grace Helbig(dailygrace). Not too sure if they planned it, but they look like Youtube's version of Charlie's Angels, dashingly adorable and colour coordinated (also, have such strong sexual appeal aha). I spotted Grace checking her reflection from a glass window, and I remember myself saying out loud "You already look so good Grace!" (Yes, I'm a wierdo, and a creep). My mouth has no filter in these types of situations. (Too.Many.Feels - can't handle). My friend and I managed to get highfives from all three lovely ladies - and you can pretty much say that my day has been made. I'm still recovering from all that happened that day.
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Just chillin with the TRIO. I really like how Hannah Hart looks in this picture, so genuine and so happy to be seeing her Canadian Fans <333 SO.MUCH.FEELS (did I also mention that Hannah Hart Reblogged this picture on her tumblr?!) |
Selfies for dayss~ Do you recognize these youtubers?! ![]() |
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In Hannah Hart's vlog! (If you watch the video, you can hear me say "damn, I should've done the grace face" :p) |
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In Nerdy and Quirky's vlog! (Our Polaroid pic togethaaa) |
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PVP'S VLOG SAAAAN! It might be a tad harder to spot me in this one - even with my big head. |
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In FunforLouis' Vlog!! (why I covered myself with my iPhone, I don't know T_T) |
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Watch Hannah watching us, now watch Mamrie take selfies with us, now see Grace say "LEAN BACK" while this all happens. TOO MANY FEELS. |
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PROPS TO YOU IF YOU READ THIS LENGTHY POST!!!! I just thought I'd share my experience with you all~~
I highly recommend you Toronto peeps to check this festival out next year! It'll be bigger! and hopefully they invite the British youtubers!
STAY TUNED FOR MORE GEEADVENTURES (lol, totally just made that up in my head just now, I know, I'm lame). I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS POST!